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  • Public statement / Anunț public

    La data de 20 februarie 2025 au fost atestate un șir de notificări expediate la diferite adrese ale companiilor rezidente ...


  • Dolea & Co is ranked for the second consecutive year by Chambers & Partners 2024 Global Guide for its corporate/commercial practice

    We are honored to be ranked for the second consecutive year in prestigious Chambers and Partners Global Guide 2024 for ...


  • Dolea & Co moves up in the 2023 ranking of IFLR 1000

    We are happy to announce that Dolea & Co moved up in the prestigious IFLR 1000 for its financial ...


  • Dolea & Co is recognized by the 2023 edition of The Legal 500

    We are thrilled to announce that The Legal 500 legal directory ranked Dolea & Co for the first time as ...


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    Dolea & Co is a business law firm founded in 2020 and based in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Our team involves international lawyers with a common law and civil law experience, who practiced law in the world's major hubs.




    Sorin Dolea

    Sorin Dolea

    Managing Partner

    Dr. Sorin Dolea is the managing partner at Dolea & Co, focusing on international disputes as well as projects & energy. He has practiced arbitration in Geneva, Vienna and Frankfurt am Main. He has been involved in ICSID investment arbitrations based on the ECT and BITs as well as commercial arbitrations under ICC, LCIA, VIAC, and UNCITRAL rules. He is regularly ranked by the most prestigious the world’s leading legal ranking and insights intelligence companies. Sorin Dolea is teaching private international law at Moldova State University, and he is the co-founder of Moldovan Arbitration Association. In 2023 he defended the PhD thesis at Moldova State University, entitled "Settlement of Contractual Disputes in Investment Arbitration".

    He is a member of the Europe-subcommittee of the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations, the Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova of Vienna International Arbitration Center within Community Ambassador Network (CAN) Project, as well as the Rapporteur for Moldova for the ICCA Yearbook Commercial Arbitration.


    •     2018-2020: Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP - International Arbitration Group (Vienna, Frankfurt am Main)

    •     2015-2017: Schoenherr (Chisinau)

    •     2024 - University of Oxford – Faculty of Law, Institute of European and Comparative Law Visiting Academic
    •     2023 - Moldova State University, PhD in International Law
    •     2018 - Geneva Law School and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, LLM in International Dispute Settlement - MIDS (Geneva, Switzerland)
    •     2016 - Hague Academy of International Law, Private International Law course (Hague, the Netherlands)
    •     2016 - International Academy for Arbitration Law (Paris, France)
    •     2015 - Moldova State University, Bachelor of Laws

    •     International Arbitration & Litigation

    •     Energy & Projects

    •     Environment & ESG

    •     Romanian

    •     English

    •     Russian

    Ion Graur

    Ion Graur


    Ion Graur is an accomplished Attorney and member of the Bar Association of the Republic of Moldova. He brings substantial expertise in cross-border litigations and legal advisory services related to Moldova in Germany, while collaborating closely with legal offices. With a focus on justice sector and human rights, Ion possesses extensive experience in strategic planning, public policy design, and advocacy. He has a proven track record of supporting governmental institutions and stakeholders, leading the development and implementation of impactful policies aimed at advancing justice reform. Ion's breadth of experience includes drafting of legal and regulatory texts, institutional development, functional analysis, and the drafting of assessment documents. Additionally, he is a passionate advocate for human rights within the criminal justice system and has provided valuable capacity-building support for legal professionals.


    •     2016 – Multilateral internship for Lawyers in Germany (IRZ Hospitationprogramm für Rechtsanwälte) - Königswinter, Berlin  
    •     2013 – European Master in Law and Economics (Hamburg and Bologna University)
    •     2004 – Academy of Law, Republic of Moldova, Bachelor of Laws


    •     Administrative & public law
    •     Legislative & Regulatory Reforms
    •     Corporate Governance & Compliance


    •     Romanian

    •     English

    •     German

    •     Russian

    Maria Costin Vizdoaga

    Maria Costin Vizdoaga

    External Partner (New York, U.S.A.)

    Maria Costin Vizdoaga is the managing partner at Vizdoaga Law Office in New York focusing on investment-based immigration and employment-based matters, corporate entity formation, contract negotiation and estate planning. Ms. Costin Vizdoaga has been admitted to practice law in the State of New York since 2021. In addition to practicing law in New York, Ms. Costin Vizdoaga is on the Board of Directors of the American Foreign Law Association. Also, she is an active member of the New York Bar Association and the American Immigration Lawyers Association.


    ● 2020 - 2025: Managing Partner, Vizdoaga Law Office (New York)

    ● 2019-2020: Public Interest Law Network (New York)

    ● 2018: Center for United Nations Constitutional Research (Brussels)

    ● 2017-2018, United Nations, Office of Legal Affairs and Conduct and Discipline Unit, Management Evaluation Unit and Department of Peacekeeping Operations (New York)

    ● 2016-2017: Research Assistant, Columbia Law School (New York)

    ● 2013-2015: East Europe Foundation (Chisinau)


    ● 2019: Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Center at Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)

    ● 2016-2017: Columbia Law School, New York, Master of Law Degree (LL.M)

    ● 2012-2013: Leiden University, MA in European Union Studies (Netherlands)

    ● 2007-2011: Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, BA Corporate Law (Chisinau)






    Cornelia Furculiță

    Cornelia Furculiță

    Of Counsel

    Dr. Cornelia Furculiță, is an international lawyer focusing on all things related to international trade law. Her research and practice interests cover also EU common commercial policy, as well as international investment and environmental law. Cornelia has an extensive academic record, having published numerous articles in international renowned journals, as well as manifold book contributions dedicated to various subjects from her areas of interest. She is the co-editor of the book Global Politics and EU Trade Policy (Springer, 2020) and the author of the monograph The WTO and the New Generation EU FTA Dispute Settlement Mechanisms (Springer, 2021). 

    In 2021, Dr. Cornelia Furculiță has successfully defended her PhD thesis with the highest distinction (summa cum laude). During her post-doctoral studies, she worked along Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weiß (co-author) on the book Open Strategic Autonomy in EU Trade Policy: Assessing the Turn to Stronger Enforcement and More Robust Interest Representation (Cambridge University Press, 2024). 

    She was a visiting researcher at the University of Passau (Germany, 2018), T.M.C. Asser Instituut (the Netherlands, 2018), NautaDutilh (the Netherlands, 2018), and BusinessEurope (Belgium, 2019). She has presented her research at numerous international conferences, such as the World Trade Forum (2019), PEPA/SIEL (2019 and 2022), ESIL Workshops of the International Economic Law Interest Group (2019, 2020), ESIL Workshops of the International Economic Law Interest Group (2023), Jean Monnet Doctoral Workshops (2019), The EU in International Affairs VI (2018), and Transatlantic Perspectives: The Future of European Law and Policy VI (2018).

    •     2023 – German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer (Germany), Post-doctoral studies
    •     2020 – German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer (Germany), Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions ITN on European Trade and Investment Policy (EUTIP), PhD Candidate
    •    2019 – iCourts Summer School (Denmark), Participant
    •    2017 – University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), Master of Laws, International Trade and Investment Law (highest grade, cum laude)
    •    2016 – Moldova State University, Bachelor of Laws (first in class)

    •     Market Access, Trade Barriers, Trade Defence Measures, Trade Litigation, Free Trade Agreements, International Trade Sanctions, EU Common Commercial Policy, International Investment Arbitration

    •    Romanian

    •    English,

    •    Russian

    •    German 

    Aurel Băieșu

    Aurel Băieșu

    Senior Of Counsel

    Dr. Habil. Aurel Băieșu is the Vice-President and Arbitrator at the International Arbitration Court of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova. He is a Professor of International Commercial Law at Moldova State University and Vice-Rector at the University of European Studies of Moldova.

    Prof. Băieșu has been teaching at Moldova State University since 1990, and became the Head of the Chair of International Law Department from 1994 to 2005. He was the Member of Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the Vice-President of the Permanent Law Committee of the Parliament from 2009-2010. He was also the Legal Adviser of the President of the Republic of Moldova from 2011-2012. Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to the Italian Republic from 2012-2013.

    Prof. Băieșu was a Judge at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova from 2013 to 2019 as well as a Member of the Work Group for the elaboration of the Draft Civil Code of the Republic of Moldova (1999-2002) and of the Work Group for the elaboration of the Draft Law for Modernization of the Civil Code (2015-2018). He completed courses and trainings in various countries including Switzerland, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, and Hungary. Worked as expert in several international programs and projects (UNDP, World Bank, Council of Europe, EBRD, EU-TACIS, The Office of The German Technical Assistance in Moldova, USAID etc.).

    Prof. Băieșu is the Member of Editorial Boards of journals: ”Studia Universitatis Moldaviae” and ”Vector European”. He is an author of numerous publications in the fields of civil law, international commercial law, international commercial arbitration, and comparative private law, out of which – 4 monographies, 7 textbooks, 2 compendia of comments on legislative acts, over 90 scientific articles published in international and national journals. 


    •     2013-2019: Judge at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova

    •     2012-2013: Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Italian Republic

    •     2011-2012: Legal adviser to the President of the Republic of Moldova

    •     2009-2010: Member of the Parliament, the Vice-President of the Permanent Law Committee of the Parliament

    •     1990 - present: Professor of International Commercial Law, Moldova State University 


    •     2012 - Moldova State University, Dr. Habil.

    •     1990 - Moscow State University ‘M. V. Lomonosov.’, PhD

    •     1986 - Moldova State University, Bachelor of Laws


    •     International commercial law 


    •     Romanian

    •     English

    •     Italian

    •     French

    •     Russian


    Igor Dolea

    Igor Dolea

    Senior Of Counsel

    Dr. Habil. Igor Dolea is Professor of Criminal Procedure Law. He is a former judge at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova as well as former member of Superior Council of Magistrates. He was the head of Criminal Procedure and Foresics Department at the Faculty of Law of Moldova State University (since 1996 to 2013) as well as the Director of Penal Reform Institute (2001-2009; 2018-present). Prof. Dolea was also the president of the coordination and monitoring group of the implementation of the Justice Sector Reform Strategy (2012 - 2013); the president of the Commission of Experts of the National Council for Accreditation and Attestation (2011 – present); expert in the Scientific Council of the Union of Lawyers from the Republic of Moldova (2007 – present); expert in the Scientific-Consultative Council attached to the Constitutional Court (2007-2013); member of the Scientific Advisory Council attached to the Supreme Court of Justice (2002 – present); member of the Qualification Board attached to the Superior Council of Magistrates (2002-2006); expert in the scientific-methodical Council of the General Prosecutor's Office (2005 - 2009); expert in the national working group in the field of juvenile justice (2005 - 2007); member of the National Council for the Reform of Law Enforcement Bodies (2012-2013).

    Prof. Dolea was the member of the working groups for the development of the Criminal Procedure Code, the Enforcement Code, the Contravention Code, the Law on Mediation, the Law on Probation, the Law on the Protection of Witnesses and Other Participants in the Criminal Process. He carried out activity as an expert in international projects supported by the Council of Europe, OSCE, IOM, etc. He is an author of over 100 publications, including books and study books, in the field of justice and human rights.

    •    2009 – Moldova State University, Dr. Habil., topic of the thesis: "Ensuring the rights of the person in the criminal probation"
    •    1996 – Moldova State University, PHD doctoral thesis topic: "Courts with juries in the criminal process (Considerations regarding the development of the concept for the Republic of Moldova)"
    •    1988 – Moldova State University, Bachelor of Laws

    •    2013-2018: Judge at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova
    •    2009-2013: Member of the Superior Council of Magistrates
    •    2006-2011: Expert, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Mission in the Republic of Moldova
    •    2002-2006: Expert, Qualification College attached to the Superior Council of Magistrates
    •    2002-present: Director of the Penal Reform Institute (IRP)
    •    1996-2013: Head of the department of criminal procedural law and forensics
    •    1996-present: University Professor, Moldova State University

    •    White- collar crimes
    •    Criminal Procedure

    •    Romanian
    •    Russian
    •    English (beginner)

    Maria Rău

    Maria Rău


    Marina Rău is a specialist in intellectual property (IP) law. She was a legal counsel within the Legal Department of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) for more than 14 years. She was involved in the process of examination, modification and registration of trademarks, licensing, assignment and franchising contracts regarding trademark rights, and representation in courts regarding the defense of intellectual property rights. She has also participated in various seminars organized by AGEPI, the National Institute of Justice and the World Intellectual Property Organization in the field of IP. 

    Ms. Maria Rău is an authorized representative before the AGEPI. She assists the clients on various aspects of intellectual property.

    •     2022 - Certificate of authorized representative issued by the State Agency for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI)
    •     2010 - Certificate issued by the World Intellectual Property Organization regarding the completion of the distance course.
    •     2010 - Moldova State University, LLM in labour Law, 
    •     2008 - Certificate issued by AGEPI regarding the completion of the "Intellectual property protection" training course.
    •     2008 - Moldova State University, Bachelors of Law
    •     2004 - College of Informatics and Law

    •   Intellectual Property

    •   Romanian 

    •   Russian

    •   Ukrainian


    Be informed

    Public statement / Anunț public

    La data de 20 februarie 2025 au fost atestate un șir de notificări expediate la diferite adrese ale companiilor rezidente în Republica Moldova și UE, care ar fi fost expediate din numele firmelor de avocatură din Republica Moldova. Aceste notificări au fost expediate de către adrese de email false, și conțineau fișiere malițioase. Dolea & Co declară public că niciodată nu a expediat notificări prin intermediul poștei electronice, și recomandă entităților care au recepționat astfel ...

    Read Feb. 20, 2025

    Dolea & Co is recognized by the 2023 edition of The Legal 500

    We are thrilled to announce that The Legal 500 legal directory ranked Dolea & Co for the first time as a leading law firm in Moldova. The Legal 500 mentiones that "Founded in 2020 by internationally experienced arbitrator Sorin Dolea, Dolea & Co specialises in litigation and arbitration, with strong capabilities in green energy, ESG investments, banking and finance disputes, construction and real estate."

    Read May 10, 2023

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